About Us
The Cedars CanSupport Resource Centre is a welcoming community space and library that provides health information services to adult cancer patients, families, caregivers and members of the community.
Our Mission
The Cedars CanSupport Resource Centre aims to provide health information and resources to visitors and to help them become informed and active partners in making informed decisions in their healthcare.
Our Goals
- To provide access to reliable and up-to-date health information and community resources
- To offer a safe and welcoming space
- To collaborate with health professionals to identify and meet the information needs of adult cancer patients, caregivers and families
Cedars CanSupport Resource Centre Services
Health Information Research Service
The librarian and Resource Centre Coordinator of the Cedars CanSupport Resource Centre can help you to find trustworthy and up-to-date resources on the following topics:
- Types of cancer,
- Cancer treatments,
- Tests and procedures,
- Support groups and programs for cancer patients and caregivers,
- Community resources,
- And more,
All requests are confidential.
Please contact us if you need information by e-mail at cedarscansupport@muhc.mcgill.ca
Book Collection
The Cedars CanSupport Resource Centre has a book collection on general health and cancer-related topics that visitors can borrow.
The Cedars CanSupport Resource Centre also has a wide variety of general health and cancer-related pamphlets and information sheets.
There are no lending or registration fees. Borrowing books from the Cedars CanSupport Resource Centre collection is free of charge.
Book Lending Policy
In order to borrow books, visitors need to provide their contact information and either their hospital card or a piece of identification with photo.
Visitors are allowed to borrow a maximum of 3 books at a time for a period of three weeks.
Books can be renewed once (for a period of three weeks), provided that no other visitors requested the book(s).
To renew, please come visit us in person, or contact us by phone (514-934-1934 extension 31666) or e-mail (cedarscansupport@muhc.mcgill.ca).
Wigs and Head Covers Program
The Cedars CanSupport Resource Centre offers a wide variety of wigs and head covers that is reserved only for cancer patients. There are no fees for this service. All of our wigs and head covers are free of charge. Please note the quantity of items allocated to cancer patients is limited.
No appointments required. This is a drop-in service during our opening hours, which are 8am to 4pm from Monday to Friday.
Printing, Scanning, Photocopying and WiFi Access
The Cedars CanSupport Resource Centre provides access to:
- Printer (for health-related information use only)
- Scanner
- Photocopier
- WiFi