About our Programs and Services
Our Programs and Services provide additional support alongside your conventional treatment. They help you cope with cancer and its treatments, reduce stress, fear and anxiety, and improve your overall health and well-being.
What we offer
Most of our complementary therapists offer group workshops targeting patients who are not hospitalized or those who are post-treatment. Individual sessions are offered to hospitalized patients on the oncology and palliative units.
Our group workshops are offered throughout the year. Please take a look at our calendar for more information. The time and date for individual sessions are arranged with the complementary therapists.
- Art Therapy:
Exploring your experience in a creative way can be very healing and meaningful. Art therapy can provide a way to reduce anxiety, increase self-awareness, and reduce stress. You can understand yourself in ways that words alone cannot express.
- Creative Writing Workshop:
Writing is a way to find your voice, to experiment on the page, to have fun, to invent a story or share your own. This workshop provides a judgement-free space to let creativity flow through short and simple writing exercises. No writing experience necessary.
- Look Good Feel Better (LGFB):
“At the Look Good Feel Better workshops, people with cancer can learn how to manage the appearance-related impact of cancer and its treatment. Offering a unique sense of community”.(LGFB website) Online Registration is required: www.Lgfb.ca or by telephone 1-800-914-5665
- ‘Making Connections’-Montreal Museum of Fine Arts: Interactive Group Tour and Art Making:
An interactive group tour, where you will have the opportunity to visit art collections, and engage in creative art making workshops in the Museum’s Art studio. Each Workshop is facilitated by a Museum Mediator. *We wish to thank the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts for collaborating and sharing their space and resources with Cedars CanSupport (MUHC). If the session is full and / or you are interested in participating in additional sessions, you will be placed on the list for the following session.
- Massage Therapy:
Massage therapy offers temporary relief from the side effects caused by treatments. It helps to relieve pain, anxiety and it can promote a sense of relaxation, comfort and well being. For hospitalized oncology patients and palliative care patients.
- Meditation, Relaxation & Yoga:
Meditation, relaxation and gentle yoga in combination with simple breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques can help reduce stress, blood pressure, anxiety, pain and insomnia. Chair yoga in your hospital room is also an option.
- Music Therapy:
Music therapy can help reduce anxiety and feelings of loneliness or isolation, distract you from pain and discomfort, and help improve mood. During music therapy session, you listen to music or use musical instruments under the guidance of a music therapist.
- Support Group ‘CANcerSHARE’:
Where your story will make a difference. A new support group for cancer patients in collaboration with the MUHC psychosocial oncology program. Register early or walk-in.
How to register
Everyone (patients and caregivers) is welcome to join our group workshops. Whereas individual sessions are reserved for hospitalized patients treated in the oncology and palliative units. Our resources are limited and requests are prioritized according to need.
Contact us by phone (514) 934-1934 ext. 35297 or email us at rola.mouchantaf@muhc.mcgill.ca